Arab Voices Archives for 2004 (click on the date to listen to any of the shows)
Date: December 29, 2004
Guests: The Listeners


Open discussions with listeners/callers regarding the Middle East, Iraq, Palestine and the US foreign policy.

Date: December 22, 2004

Two well-known Christian Palestinians: The Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem, the Right Reverend Riah Abu El-Assal, and the Mayor of Bethlehem, Hanna Nasser.
Special program produced by
The Middle East Radio Project – Voices from the Middle East & North Africa. 

In this special interview named “Christmas in Palestine”, the hosts of the show John Young and Johayna Marlow discussed with the guests the physical, economic, and demographic effects of the ongoing Israeli occupation and colonization on Christian Palestinians, both in the town of Jesus Christ's birth Bethlehem, and across Palestine.

Date: December 15, 2004

Dr. As'ad AbuKhalil
Arab-American scholar, professor of political science at California State University, Stanislaus, and visiting professor at UC, Berkeley.

Topic: The Israeli assassination attempts inside Syria, the occupation of Iraq and Palestine and their upcoming elections, as well as the U.S. foreign policy towards the Middle East.
Date: December 8, 2004

Fareed Zein-Elabdin, president of the Sudanese American Community Development Organization of Greater Houston, and Dr. James Jennings, president of Conscience International who just returned to the U.S. from a visit to Sudan

Topic: The crisis in Sudan, especially the Darfur situation.
Date: December 1, 2004
Guest: Dahr Jamail
The only independent western reporter in occupied Iraq.
Topic: The untold stories in Iraq.
Date: November 24, 2004

Laila Al-Qatami
Communications Director for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)


The increased racist and hostile remarks made by several U.S. main stream media towards Iraqis, Palestinians, other Arabs and Muslims in recent weeks.

Date: November 17, 2004

Mordechai Vanunu
Israeli Nuclear Whistleblower, who worked as a nuclear technician at Dimona, Israel's secret nuclear installation.


Israeli Nuclear Weapons program, Vanunu's kidnapping and jail term of 18 years for revealing information about Dimona, and what he witnessed there.
Membership Drive

Date: November 10, 2004

Ralph Nader
Presidential candidate
Dahr Jamail
Independent reporter in Iraq
LIVE from Iraq
The death of the Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, U.S. foreign policy, and the U.S. elections.
Membership Drive

Date: November 3, 2004
Guests: The Listeners


Open discussions with listeners/callers regarding the US elections and the Middle East.

Date: October 27, 2004

Tariq Ali
Long-time anti-war activist, political campaigner, historian and novelist, who has written over a dozen books on world history and politics, including "Bush in Babylon: The Recolonization of Iraq".



Speech made by Tariq Ali on the Occupation of Iraq, and open phone lines for the listeners to say what's on their mind regarding the Middle East and the US presidential elections

Date: October 20, 2004

Marcel Khalife
Lebanese composer and oud master, and one of the world's leading Arabic musicians, reshaping traditional Arabic music into an alluring, universally communicative form of expression.


The rich Arab music, Marcel's unique musical performances and his current trip to the U.S., including Houston.

Date: October 13, 2004

Rahul Mahajan
Long-time activist, member of the Steering Committee of United for Peace and Justice, and publisher of the blog Empire Notes, and occasionally teaches at New York University. He has been to Iraq twice and reported from Fallujah during the siege, and author of "The New Crusade: America's War on Terrorism" and "Full Spectrum Dominance: U.S. Power in Iraq and Beyond".

 Topic: The war on Iraq and the mounting casualties on both Iraqi and U.S. sides, as well as the U.S. presidential debates and the candidates views on the Middle East.
Date: October 6, 2004

Barbara Lubin
Founder and Executive Director of the Middle East Children’s Alliance who lead fact-finding delegations to occupied Palestine and Iraq, bringing hundreds of people from the United States to the Middle East to learn first-hand about the realities there.


The dire situation in occupied Palestine and Iraq, especially as the children casualties count in both countries is on the rise.

Date: September 29, 2004

Dr. Maher Hathout
Retired physician & prominent leader of the American Muslim community, senior advisor for the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) and Spokesman for the Islamic Center of Southern California.


Islam's view of the killings and beheadings in Iraq and elsewhere, Jihad vs. Terrorism, the status of American Muslims, and the U.S. elections.

Date: September 22, 2004

Mordechai Vanunu
Israeli Nuclear Whistleblower, who worked as a nuclear technician at Dimona, Israel's secret nuclear installation.  Mr. Vanunu will speak to Arab Voices LIVE from occupied Jerusalem after he was released from Jail, and in defiance of the Israeli Government's restrictions ordering him not to do so.



Israeli Nuclear Weapons program, Vanunu's kidnapping and jail term of 18 years for revealing information about Dimona, and what he witnessed there.

Date: September 15, 2004

Dr. Stephen Zunes
Associate professor of politics and chair of the Peace & Justice Studies Program at the University of San Francisco, who serves as the Middle East editor for the Foreign Policy in Focus Project


The escalation of words and pressure placed on Syria by the U.S. and Israel, as well as the so called "War on Terrorism" that has devastated Iraq.

Date: September 8, 2004

Ali Abunimah
Vice-president of the Arab-American Action Network, a well-known media analyst, and co-founder of Electronic Intifada.

Topic: The escalation of violence in the Middle East, and the U.S. foreign policy towards it.
Date: September 1, 2004
  preempted (no show)
Date: August 25, 2004
Guest: Documenting Torture: Holding the United States Accountable
By Making Contact,
Special Program produced by the National Radio Project


Topic: “Documenting Torture: Holding the United States Accountable".  Covering the torture at the Abu Ghreib prison and beyond.
Date: August 18, 2004

Membership Drive

Date: August 11, 2004

Salam Al-Marayati
Executive Director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) in Los Angeles

Topic: The U.S. foreign policy towards the Middle East.
Date: August 4, 2004
Guest: Dahr Jamail
A Baghdad correspondent for The NewStandard.


The untold stories from occupied Iraq, and the effects of the U.S. occupation on the people of Iraq

Date: July 28, 2004
  preempted (no show)
Date: July 21, 2004

Dr. James Jennings
President of Conscience International, and coordinator of  "U.S. Academics Against the War"

Topic: What is happening in Sudan?
Date: July 14, 2004

Wayne Madsen
Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and columnist who served in the National Security Agency (NSA) during the Reagan administration who wrote the introduction to "Forbidden Truth"

Topic: The use and abuse of intelligence!
Date: July 7, 2004

Judeh Jamal
With Stop The Wall campaign
LIVE from occupied Jerusalem

Mohammed Al-Atar
Founder & Director of Palestinians for Peace and Democracy  

The Israeli Apartheid Wall, and the hunger strike against it (currently, in its 5th day).

Date: June 30, 2004

Denis Halliday
Former head of the U.N. oil-for-food program in Iraq and former U.N. Assistant Secretary General



While some celebrate the hand over to Iraqis, Mr. Halliday says: "Continuing U.S. occupation of a somewhat 'sovereign' Iraq is a prescription for disaster; the Iraqi people cannot be expected to focus on resolving their differences and building on aspects of unity when aggressive, intrusive and controlling alien occupation continues."

Date: June 23, 2004

Ibrahim Hooper
Spokesman for CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) in Washington.



The increased tension and violence in the Middle East, including the horrific killings/beheadings in Saudi Arabia and Iraq, Islam's position on this, and how that affects Muslims living in the U.S.

Date: June 16, 2004

Ian Williams
U.N. correspondent for the Nation, a New York-based writer covering the United Nations and world affairs.


Israel's plans for expanding the colonies in the occupied Palestinian territories, and Sharon's "disengagement" plan.

Date: June 9, 2004

Marjorie Cohn
Professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, a contributing editor to t r u t h o u t, executive vice president of the National Lawyers Guild, and the U.S. representative to the executive committee of the American Association of Jurists.


The latest developments in Iraq, including the new UN Security Council Resolution.

Date: June 2, 2004

Audio clips of recorded speeches for the late professor Edward Said, Palestine's foremost political commentator, Tariq Ali, long-time anti-war activist, political campaigner, historian and novelist, Rahul Mahajan, long-time activist, member of the Steering Committee of United for Peace and Justice, and publisher of the blog Empire Notes, and Robert Fisk, chief Middle East correspondent for the London Independent.


Topic: The War on Iraq.
Date: May 26, 2004

Nasser Maher
Chief liaison/representative of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency

Topic: The dire situation in occupied Palestine
Date: May 19, 2004

Membership Drive

Date: May 12, 2004

Roger Normand
Executive Director of the Center for Economic and Social Rights


The situation in Iraq and the mistreatment at Abu Graib prison.

Date: May 5, 2004
Guest: Iman Mirza-Hussain
Arab-American Artist



Iman's paintings, and how they embrace the rich culture of the Middle East, and how they relate to what is happening there.

Date: April 28, 2004


Arsalan Iftikhar
Director of Legal Affairs at CAIR-National (Council on American-Islamic Relations)
Najat Elsayed
Communications Director for CAIR-Houston
The increased hatred and incidents towards Arabs and Muslims in the US, and the media role in this

Date: April 21, 2004

Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh
Co-founder of Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, member of Al-Awda-CT steering committee and the national steering committee of the U.S. Campaign to End the Occupation, Vice President of the Middle East Crisis Committee, self-syndicated columnist, and author of several books including "Sharing the Land of Canaan: Human rights and the Israeli-Palestinian Struggle".


Israel's plans for keeping colonies in the West Bank, the approval of the U.S. government for Israel's land theft plan, and the Palestinian Right to Return

Date: April 14, 2004
Guest: Ramon Bloomberg
New York-based Jewish film maker/director 


The new award-winning film "AREA K: A Political Fishing Documentary", a story about how Palestinian fishermen from the refugee camps of Gaza and their Israeli counterparts have to form a business partnership in order to share water for their livelihoods.

Date: April 7, 2004
Guest: Jean AbiNader
Arab American Institute Managing Director


The U.S. Foreign Policy towards the Middle East (including occupied Iraq and occupied Palestine).

Date: March 31, 2004

Joy Gordon
Professor of Philosophy and Co-Director of the Legal Studies Program at Fairfield University


Dr. Gordon says:  "The collapse of Iraq's economy and public services was due to the overall strangulation of the economy, and in particular the aggressive U.S. posture in blocking billions of dollars of crucial materials for Iraq's infrastructure. The real scandal is that the comprehensive sanctions, worsened at every juncture by extreme and unilateral U.S. positions, literally reduced Iraq from a sophisticated, industrialized nation, with excellent health care and education, to a Third World country with the quality of life of nations like Haiti and Somalia."

Date: March 24, 2004

Diana Buttu
Legal advisor with the Negotiations Support Unit of the Negotiations Affairs Department of the Palestine Liberation Organization

LIVE from Ramallah

Topic: The Israeli escalations in the occupied Palestinian territories.
Date: March 17, 2004
Guest: Cindy & Craig Corrie
The parents of Rachel Corrie


A conversation with Cindy and Craig Corrie on the first anniversary of the murder of U.S. citizen Rachel Corrie by the Israeli Occupation Forces in the Gaza Strip.

Date: March 10, 2004

Col. Dan Smith
Senior fellow on military affairs at the Friends Committee on National Legislation who has written extensively on Iraq and Middle East policy

Topic: U.S. Foreign policy, and the war on Iraq
Date: March 3, 2004

Ralph Nader
Prominent Lebanese-American, political activist, presidential candidate, consumer advocate, lawyer,
one of the most unique, important, and controversial political figures of the past half century.


U.S. foreign policy towards the Middle East and the U.S. Patriot Act.

Date: February 25, 2004

Nino Kader
Communications Director for the American Task Force on Palestine

Topic: The Apartheid Wall Israel is building on Palestinian land, and the hearings on it at the International Court of Justice.
Date: February 18, 2004

Rahul Mahajan
Antiwar activist, member of Nowar Collective, serving on the national boards of Peace Action and the Education for Peace in Iraq Center

Topic: What is going on in Iraq?
Date: February 11, 2004

Greta Berlin
A U.S. peace activist, member of Women in Black Los Angeles, an Israeli-women's peace group, and volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement, who has visited the occupied Palestinian territories several times, and was shot by the Israeli occupation forces.

Topic: Greta spent two months in occupied Jenin with the International Solidarity Movement, where she was shot by the Israeli Occupation Forces.
Date: February 4, 2004

Membership Drive

Date: January 28, 2004
Guest: Erik Gustafson
Executive Director of the Education for Peace in Iraq Center and a veteran of the 1991 Gulf war
Topic: What happened to Iraq?
Date: January 21, 2004

Dr. Alice Rothchild
A Jewish American physician who has worked in the health care reform and women’s movements for many years, but has focused much of her energy on understanding the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.  She is
with the steering committee for Visions of Peace with Justice in Israel/Palestine.


Live from the Middle East:  Alice's experience in Palestine/Israel, and what she witnessed there.

Date: January 14, 2004

Jacqueline Cabasso
Executive director of Western States Legal Foundation, an anti-nuclear advocacy group in Oakland, California.  Jacqueline has been actively speaking and writing widely on nuclear weapons issues.

Topic: Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East.
Date: January 7, 2004

Adam Shapiro
Jewish-American activist and co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement in Palestine, who also serves on the Board of Directors of Partners for Peace.


Eyewitness Iraq, and the new documentary film called "About Baghdad" Adam is working on after a recent visit to Iraq