Arab Voices Archives for 2005 (click on the date to listen to
any of the
Date: |
December 28, 2005
Guest: |
Dr. Victor
Mayor of the City of Bethlehem, Palestine.
LIVE from Bethlehem
Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh
Co-founder of Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return
Coalition, member of Al-Awda-CT steering committee and
the national steering committee of the U.S. Campaign to
End the Occupation, Vice President of the Middle East
Crisis Committee, author of several books including
Sharing the Land of Canaan: Human rights and the
Israeli-Palestinian Struggle, self-syndicated columnist
whose articles appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle,
Boston Globe, and Al-Ahram in Egypt. |
Topic: |
Christians in
occupied Palestine, the Israeli measures against
them, the occupation affect on the Palestinian
city of Bethlehem, where Jesus was born, the
Israeli Apartheid Wall set to divide the village
of Aboud (mainly Christians) in the West Bank
into two parts, and the call by many churches in
the U.S. for a boycott of Israeli products and
divestment from Israeli investments. |
Date: |
December 21, 2005
Guest: |
Dr. Lisa Hajjar
Associate Professor in
the Law and Society Program at the University of
California-Santa Barbara, author of
Courting Conflict: The
Israeli Military Court System in the West Bank
and Gaza, member of the editorial committee of
Middle East Report, an expert on
Geneva Conventions, human
rights, humanitarian Law, contemporary Middle East,
Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza,
and the politics of law. |
Topic: |
Secret orders by
President George W. Bush to the National
Security Agency to eavesdrop on Americans
without ever seeking court approval, and how
kidnapping of foreign nationals, the use of
secret detention facilities, torture and abuse
in jails have affected the US image and
credibility in the Middle East and beyond! |
Date: |
December 14, 2005
First Hour
Second Hour
(Two Hours Show) |
Topics: |
the first hour (9-10), we will run a special report
about CAIR-Houston's annual banquet, and listen to
speeches made by Dr. Tareq Hussein, CAIR-Houston
President, Dr.
Pervez Ahmed,
CAIR-National Chairman, Captain James (Yusuf) Yee,
former army chaplain at Camp Delta in Guantanamo Bay,
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Congressman
Al Green, Sugar Land Mayor
David Wallace, and
Houston City Councilman MJ Khan.
the second hour (10-11), we will conduct a live
interview with Samir Khader,
Program Editor for Al-Jazeera Satellite TV News Channel,
based in Doha, Qatar, who is well-known for being
featured in the documentary film Control Room,
when he was Senior Producer at Al-Jazeera. We will talk
with Mr. Khader about targeting and bombing Al-Jazeera
offices in different countries, the killing of Al-Jazeera
reporter, and President George W. Bush's planned attack
on Al-Jazeera Headquarters in Qatar. |
Date: |
December 7, 2005
Guest: |
Captain James (Yusuf) Yee
Former U.S. Army Muslim
Chaplain, third generation Chinese American
who converted to Islam. He traveled to Syria and studied
the Arabic language and the traditional Islamic
sciences. Chaplin Yee was imprisoned in a naval prison
for 76 days after being wrongfully and
unjustly accused of spying, espionage, and aiding the
alleged Taliban and Al-Qaeda suspects being held at Camp
Delta in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. |
Topic: |
Chaplain Yee's new book "For God and
Country: Faith and Patriotism Under Fire",
the charges brought against him that were later
dropped, and the abuse and mistreatment
of detainees that he witnessed at Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba. |
Date: |
30, 2005
Guest: |
Mona El-Ghobashy
Professor of political
science at Columbia University. Her work on Egyptian
politics has appeared in Middle East Report, and
the International Journal of Middle East Studies. |
Topic: |
The significance of
the current historical Egyptian Parliamentary
Elections (November 9 through December 7, 2005)
that come at a time when the current government
is under domestic and international challenges:
a vocal pro-democracy movement at home and
intense international pressures for political
liberalization. |
Date: |
23, 2005
Guest: |
Dr. Robert
Professor of Journalism at the University of
Texas at Austin, and author of the book "Citizens
of the Empire: The Struggle to Claim Our
Humanity". Dr. Jensen says whatever
the lies told about WMDs, the core of the U.S.
motivation to invade Iraq was the drive to
control the politics, and hence the energy
resources, of the Middle East. |
Topic: |
The situation in Iraq, and the
increased concerns over the U.S. involvement in the
war, including voices from congressmen and other
officials who are now calling for an investigation. |
Date: |
November 16, 2005 |
Topics: |
Special report about IBDAA, the Palestinian
Folkloric Dance Troupe’s performance in Houston on
November 11, 2005, that had come to the US from the
Dheisheh Refugee Camp, Palestine.
Interviews with different people who attended the Arab-American
Cultural & Community Center's (ACC) 2005 Gala on
November 12, 2005 in Houston:
Yasmena Samahey,
ACC 2005 Gala Chair,
Dr. Aziz Shaibani,
ACC President,
Abla Amin, ACC 2005 Gala Silent Auction
Mayor Bill
White, City of Houston,
Congresswoman Sheila
Jackson Lee,
Omar Elfarouk Hassan, Consul
General of Egypt,
Dr. Amin Bohsali,
Honorary Consul of Lebanon,
Sabir Amawi,
Honorary Consul General of Jordan,
Nermin Fahmy,
President & Chairman of the Mosaic Foundation and wife
of the Egyptian Ambassador to the US,
Malea Abdel Rahman,
Founding Member of the Mosaic Foundation and wife of the
former Palestinian Ambassador to the US, Hassan Abdel
Rim Abboud,
Trustee of the Mosaic Foundation and wife of the
Lebanese Ambassador to the US.
Membership Drive |
Date: |
November 9, 2005 |
Topics: |
Ahmad Alyasin
President of the Jordanian American Association and
President of the Jordanian American Chamber of
Commerce, talking about
the attacks in Amman Jordan on
western hotels.
Ziad Abbas
Co-founder and Director of
Ibdaa Cultural Center,
located in Dheisheh Refugee Camp in Bethlehem, in
the West Bank, Palestine,
talking about the
Upcoming IBDAA Folkloric Performance in Houston.
Membership Drive |
Date: |
November 2, 2005 |
Drive |
Date: |
October 26, 2005
Guest: |
Dr. Ussama Makdisi
Associate Professor of History and the first holder
of the Arab-American Educational Foundation Chair of
Arab Studies at Rice University, a leading expert on
Arab and Ottoman history, comparative colonialism,
American involvement in the Middle East, and the
Arab-Israeli conflict. He has published many books
and articles. His current research focuses on
American missionaries in the Middle East. |
Topic: |
What's Happening in Lebanon? We will talk with
Dr. Makdisi about Lebanon's culture, history,
diverse political and religious communities, and the
latest tension internally, and between Lebanon,
Syria and the U.S. in light of the recently released
U.N. report implicating some in Lebanon and Syria in
the assassination of the late Lebanese Prime Minster Rafiq Hariri. What does this all mean, and
what will happen next? |
Date: |
October 19, 2005
Guest: |
Dr. Bassam Haddad
Lebanese/ Syrian-American, assistant professor of
political science at St. Joseph's University in
Philadelphia, editor
of the Arab Studies Journal, and author of several
books and articles. He is also part of a
collective that produced the documentary film "About
Baghdad". |
Topic: |
Syria and the pressure imposed on it
by the US and others. |
Date: |
October 12, 2005
Guest: |
Rahul Mahajan
Long-time activist, member of the Steering Committee
of United for Peace and Justice, and publisher of
the blog Empire Notes, and occasionally
teaches at New York University. He has been to Iraq
twice and reported from Fallujah during the siege,
and author of "The New Crusade: America's War on
Terrorism" and "Full Spectrum Dominance: U.S. Power
in Iraq and Beyond". |
Topic: |
The new proposed Iraqi
Constitution set to be voted on in few days. |
Date: |
October 5, 2005
Guest: |
Erik Leaver
Research fellow at the
Institute for Policy Studies and the policy outreach
director for the Foreign Policy In Focus Project.
He is the co-author of a new report, The Iraq
Quagmire: The Mounting Costs of War and the Case for
Bringing Home the Troops. |
Topic: |
The Iraq
Quagmire: The Mounting Costs of War
and the Case for Bringing Home the
Troops. |
Date: |
28, 2005
Guest: |
Ali Abunimah
Vice-president of the Arab-American Action Network,
a well-known media analyst, writer, and commentator
on Middle East and Arab-American affairs, and
co-founder of
Electronic Intifada.net and
Electronic Iraq.net, the two leading portals for
information about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
and the occupation of Iraq, and their depiction in
the media. |
Topic: |
The increased Israeli air bombardment of the Gaza
Strip, and the escalation of extra-judicial
assassinations, kidnappings and destruction of
schools, roads, houses and other buildings in the
occupied Palestinian territories, as today marks the
5th anniversary of the Palestinian Uprising against
the Israeli occupation of their land. |
Date: |
21, 2005 |
Guest: |
George Galloway
of FlashPoints (interview with
George Galloway). |
Date: |
September 14, 2005
Guest: |
Greg Rollins
Canadian advocate of
nonviolence, member of the Christian Peacemaker Team,
who has just returned from a three-month stay in Iraq,
his fourth visit to that country. He has written several
articles including "The Other Iraq," "A Police State"
and "Life in the Green Zone." |
Topic: |
Mr. Collins' first hand eyewitness
account of what he saw in Iraq, including the
current situation there. |
Date: |
August 31, 2005
Guest: |
Flynt Leverett
Senior fellow at the
Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings
Institution. He has served as senior director for
Middle East affairs at the U.S. National Security
Council, on the State Department’s Policy Planning
Staff, and as a senior Middle East analyst at the
CIA. He is editor of the recently released book,
The Road Ahead: Middle East Policy in the Bush
Administration’s Second Term. |
Topic: |
The U.S. Foreign Policy
Towards the Middle East. |
Date: |
August 24, 2005 |
Drive |
Date: |
August 17, 2005
Guest: |
Diana Buttu
Advisor to the Palestinian Technical Team on
Israel's Evacuation from Gaza. Ms. Buttu will
join us
LIVE from Gaza City. |
LIVE from Gaza |
Topic: |
Is Israel's Evacuation from Gaza the end to its 38
years of brutal military occupation? Is that
true Liberation that will lead to peace for the
Palestinians? Why is Israel continuing with
its confiscation by force policy of more Palestinian
lands in Occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank? |
Date: |
August 10, 2005
Guest: |
Dr. Khalid Mustafa Medani
Assistant Professor of Political
Science and Islamic Studies at McGill University,
and member of the editorial committee of Middle
East Report, who has published extensively on
the civil war in Sudan. |
LIVE from
Sudan |
Topic: |
current situation in Sudan,
including the unrests following
Garang's death, and the latest on
the Darfur region. Dr. Medani
will be joining us
LIVE from Khartoum, the
capital of Sudan. |
Date: |
August 3, 2005
Guest: |
Michael Tarazi
Legal Advisor to the
Palestine Liberation Organization. A graduate
of Harvard College and Harvard Law School, Mr.
Tarazi spent most of his professional career as a
corporate lawyer living in New York City, Helsinki,
Paris, Istanbul and Budapest. He now serves as a
legal advisor to the PLO’s Negotiation Team. |
Topic: |
The "Gaza Disengagement" plan.
What it means to Palestinians and Israelis.
Will there ever be other withdrawals or is this it!
We will also talk with Mr. Tarazi about
the permanent status negotiations with Israel
including Israeli colonies, borders, refugees, and
occupied Jerusalem.
LIVE from occupied
Jerusalem |
Date: |
July 27, 2005
Guest: |
Dr. Naba Saleem Hamid
Professor at the University of Baghdad in Iraq,
scientist, trainer and founder of
New Horizons for Women, an Iraqi-based
nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering Iraqi
women as leaders of the new Iraq. Dr. Hamid says in
a recent New York Times front-page article on
violence in Iraq, "It has become part of our daily
lives. Just like there is eating, sleeping, there is
bombing." But she is tireless in her efforts to
ensure the indispensable participation of women in
the process of creating the new Iraq. |
Topic: |
participation of women in the
process of creating the new Iraq,
Life Under Bombs, the Human Cost of
War, and the current situation in
Iraq. |
Date: |
July 20, 2005
Guest: |
Samar Jarrah
Author of the new book "Arab
Voices Speak to American Hearts",
journalist, former contributor to CNN World Report,
teacher, member of the Islamic Community of
Southwest Florida, former adjunct professor of media
and International Relations at the University of
South Florida, and peace advocate who visited
Jordan, Kuwait, and Egypt
recently. |
Topic: |
Voices Speak to American Hearts" - A new
Book by Samar Jarrah, that supports the efforts of
Arab-American institutions that work hard to show
the human side of the Arab people. It covers
critical issues like the Palestine Peace Process,
the Iraq War, terrorism, democratization in the Arab
World, religious issues, and social and educational
issues. The book also shows through the voices of
three Christian Arabs the rich and well-preserved
heritage of Christianity in the heart of the Muslim
world. |
Date: |
July 13, 2005
Guest: |
Dr. Ezzat Abouleish
Egyptian-American, Professor Emeritus at The
University of Texas Health Science Center at
Houston, who authored articles and books, including
"Contributions of Islam to Medicine". In
addition to being named a fellow at the Royal
College of Surgeons in Great Britain, he holds
numerous other national and international awards for
his outstanding work. |
Topic: |
Contributions of Islam and Arabs to civilizations,
medicine, science, art, music, and a whole lot more. |
Date: |
July 6, 2005
Guest: |
Ziad Abbas
Co-founder and Director of
Ibdaa Cultural Center,
located in Dheisheh Refugee Camp in Bethlehem, in
the West Bank, Palestine.
Mr. Abbas is a
journalist who has
worked in TV, films, and with various news agencies
to educate the world about the Palestinian
situation. |
Topic: |
"Apartheid Walls: Palestinian Refugee Youth Speak
Out": Palestinian refugee youth from Ibdaa Cultural
Center in Dheisheh refugee camp describe their
experiences living behind Israel's Apartheid Wall &
other walls such as checkpoints, settlements,
curfews, prisons & fences. Mr. Abbas will join us
from Dheisheh Refugee Camp,
Occupied Palestine. |
Date: |
June 29, 2005
Guest: |
Aaron Glantz
A reporter for Pacifica Radio and other media
outlets, who visited Iraq three times during the
U.S. occupation. Aaron is a founding producer of
Pacifica Radio’s national newscast, Free Speech
Radio News. In the course of his work he has also
reported from Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, South Korea,
Indonesia, India, Vietnam, France, and Denmark. |
Topic: |
Aaron's eyewitness account of the situation in Iraq,
and his new book "How America Lost Iraq".
According to Aaron Glantz, this book tells the story
of how the U.S. government squandered, through a
series of blunders and brutalities, the goodwill
with which most Iraqi’s greeted the American
invasion and the elation they felt at the fall of
Saddam Hussein. |
Date: |
June 22, 2005
Guest: |
Ray McGovern
Former CIA Analyst for 27 years from the Kennedy
administration to George H. W. Bush's where he
conducted daily briefings for Ronald Reagan's vice
president, George Bush, the father of the incumbent
president. |
Topic: |
The Downing Street Memo,
Deception, Lies, Cover-ups and Fixed Intelligence
Facts around the Policy by the U.S. Administration
that led to the loss of over 100,000 Iraqis and
1,700 U.S. soldiers in the invasion and occupation
of Iraq. |
Date: |
June 15, 2005
Guest: |
Alamdar Hamdani
Attorney, Board Member
with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of
Texas, and Secretary of the National South Asian
American Bar Association. |
Topic: |
USA Patriot Act, civil
liberties, abuses and violations of the rights of
immigrants including Arabs and Muslims in the U.S.,
and hate crimes. |
Date: |
June 8, 2005
Guest: |
Ralph Nader
presidential candidate, founder of
Democracy Rising, author of countless books and
publications. Known for his ethics, integrity and
independence, Ralph Nader is recognized world-wide for
putting democracy to work. |
Topic: |
Downing Memo, the current situation in Iraq, and how
some Republicans in Congress are secretly meeting to
discuss how to get out of Iraq, and how the signs point
to the U.S. losing -- or being unable to win -- the war
in Iraq. |
Date: |
June 1, 2005
Guest: |
Seema Jilani
A third year medical
student at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and
also a reporter for KPFT News, who visited the
occupied Palestinian territories recently as part of
a delegation with the Jewish American Medical
Project, a division of an organization called
Visions of Peace with Justice in Israel/Palestine
(VOPJ). |
Topic: |
June 5, 2005 marks the 38th Anniversary of the
Israeli Military Occupation of Palestine. We will
discuss with Seema Jilani her eyewitness account
from her recent trip to Palestine and Israel with
the Jewish American Medical Project. The delegation
to Israel/Palestine consisted of 4 doctors, 2
psychologists and 4 environmental/labor activists. |
Date: |
25, 2005 |
Guest: |
Cynthia McKinney
Interview with Congresswoman Cynthia
McKinney of Georgia. |
Topic: |
Congresswoman McKinney's
views on Iraq, Israel, Palestine and Racial Profiling in
the U.S.
Drive |
Date: |
May 11, 2005 |
Guest: |
Dr. Azmi
Intellectual writer and member of the Israeli
Knesset/Parliament. |
Topic: |
Israeli occupation of Palestine,
the peace process and
the Israeli Colonies.
Drive |
Date: |
May 4, 2005
Guests: |
Issa Touma
artist from Syria, an
accomplished self taught photographer, and
teacher of Photography since 1990. In 1991 he
established Black and White gallery which was the
first gallery solely dedicated to photography in
Syria. In 1996 he established Gallery le Pont
drawing photographers as well as other artists,
mainly from Syria, Europe and USA. Throughout the
years Issa has organized numerous photography
festivals, including Aleppo's famous Women's Art
Vinod Hopson, press coordinator for FotoFest. |
Topic: |
NAZAR - Arab
Eyes and A Look Back (Photographs from the Arab World)
Discussion with the contemporary Arab photographer
about his photographic work presented at NAZAR.
NAZAR is an exhibit of 17 Arab photographers and 15
photographers from Europe, the U.S., Australia,
Iran, and Israel about Arab cultures in the Middle
East and northern Africa. The show will present 250
photographic works, most of which have never been
seen before in the United States. Among its
many meanings, the Arabic word NAZAR means 'seeing'
or 'insight'. The exhibit is a journey through many
countries and many ways of seeing. |
Date: |
27, 2005 |
Guest: |
Dr. Aziz Shaibani
President of the
Arab-American Cultural & Community Center in
Houston, Texas. |
Topic: |
Iraq: Cradle of Civilization
The University of Houston-Clear Lake sponsored an all
day Cultural Immersion about Iraq, its history and
civilization at the Arab-American Cultural & Community
Center on April 22, 2005. We will hear Dr. Aziz
Shaibani's speech at the event about Iraq's history and
civilization, and also listen to interviews conducted
with several attendees including University of Houston-Clear Lake's
President, Dr. William A. Staples and Ms. Ingeborg
Hayes, coordinator of this event. |
Date: |
April 20, 2005 |
Guest: |
Tariq Ali
Long-time anti-war
activist, political campaigner, historian and
novelist, who has written over a dozen books on
world history and politics, including
"Bush in Babylon:
The Recolonization of Iraq". |
Topic: |
U.S. Foreign Policy
towards the Middle East, recolonization of Iraq,
and a whole lot more! |
Date: |
April 13, 2005 |
Guests: |
Hedy Epstein
A survivor of the
Holocaust in which she lost both her parents.
Hedy will be talking about her experience in occupied Palestine. |
Second Segment:
Activists and members of the organizing committee for
the upcoming know
justice, know peace! conference:
Yolanda Birdwell with Latinos Por la
Paz, Ken Freeland with Houston
Coalition for Justice Not War and
Kamal Khalil
with Palestine Affairs Council.
We will talk with them about the upcoming know justice, know peace! conference
scheduled in Houston on April 29-May 1, 2005. |
Date: |
April 6, 2005 |
Guests: |
members of the
Wheels of Justice,
a freelance news radio reporter, media activist and
independent journalist, and Danny Muller,
co-coordinator of Voices in the Wilderness and an active
member of the Middle East Children’s Alliance. |
Topic: |
Their recent visits and experiences in occupied Iraq
and occupied Palestine, and their current Wheels of
Justice tour in the United States including Houston. |
Date: |
March 30, 2005 |
Guest: |
Dr. Thomas Abowd
Assistant Professor who teaches Middle East anthropology
at Wayne State University. His research interests
include the spatial construction of identity in
contemporary Jerusalem and questions of colonialism and
urban space. He has conducted several years of research
in Palestine and Israel, and has been involved in a
number of scholarly and activist projects related to the
Palestine-Israel conflict over the last 15 years. |
Topic: |
The Israeli colonies in occupied
Palestine, including the latest Israeli decision
to construct thousands of new illegal Jewish homes on
stolen Palestinian land in occupied Jerusalem and the
West Bank in clear breach of Israel's commitments under
the "roadmap for peace" and Article 49 of the Fourth
Geneva Convention of 1949. We will also talk with
him about the recent flip-flop in the U.S. policy/stand
towards this. |
Date: |
March 23, 2005 |
Topics: |
Dr. Imad Khadduri
Iraqi Nuclear Scientist, who used to work with the Iraqi
Atomic Energy Commission. We will talk with Dr.
Khadduri about
Iraq and the U.S. led war on it, and
what two years of military occupation mean to Iraq
and its people. The original reason the U.S.
cited for invading Iraq (WMD), and what Dr. Khadduri
knows about WMD in Iraq.
Israeli Nuclear Whistleblower, who worked as a
nuclear technician at Dimona, Israel's secret nuclear
installation. We will discuss with him the new indictment against
him by the State of Israel for talking to foreign media,
including Arab Voices.
Date: |
March 16, 2005 |
Guest: |
Jennie Green,
Senior attorney at the
for Constitutional Rights.
Topic: |
Second anniversary of the murder of Rachel Corrie,
American peace activist, and the lawsuits filed by
Rachel's parents against Caterpillar, Inc. and the
Israeli Government. |
Date: |
March 9, 2005 |
Guest: |
Dr. Bassam Haddad
Lebanese/ Syrian-American,
assistant professor of political science at St. Joseph's
University in Philadelphia, editor
of the Arab Studies Journal, and author of several books
and articles. He is also part of a collective that
produced the new documentary film "About Baghdad". |
Topic: |
Syria and Lebanon, the presence of Syrian troops in
Lebanon, how it all started and what should happen
next. We will also discuss with him the U.S.
pressure or role in the latest tension in the
region. |
Date: |
March 2, 2005 |
Guest: |
Alison Weir
Founder and
Executive director of
If Americans Knew. |
Topic: |
Facts most Americans do not know
about the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, and how all
Americans are directly connected to it. |
Date: |
February 23, 2005 |
Guest: |
Scott C. Davis
Author of the book "The Road from Damascus: A Journey
Through Syria," who visited Syria & Lebanon many times
recently. |
Topic: |
Syria, Lebanon and
the pressure imposed on Syria. |
Date: |
February 16, 2005 |
Guest: |
Amin Bohsali
Consul of Lebanon in Houston |
Topic: |
The assassination of Rafik Hariri, Former Prime Minister
of Lebanon, and the future of Lebanon.
Drive |
Date: |
February 9, 2005 |
Drive |
Date: |
February 2, 2005 |
Guest: |
Ali Abunimah
Vice-president of the Arab-American Action
Network, a well-known media analyst, and
co-founder of
Electronic Intifada and
Electronic Iraq. |
Topic: |
Iraq! What's next after the elections,
and the Israeli decision to annex more Palestinian land, and
the next four years of U.S. Foreign Policy. |
Date: |
January 26, 2005 |
Guest: |
Chris Toensing
Editor of Middle East Report and
director of the Middle East Research &
Information Project. |
Topic: |
The upcoming Iraqi Elections. |
Date: |
January 12, 2005 |
Guest: |
Dahr Jamail
only independent western reporter in
occupied Iraq.
LIVE from IRAQ |
Topic: |
The current situation in occupied Iraq. |
Date: |
January 5, 2005 |
Topics: |
Dr. David Link
of the International Center for Healing & the Law,
attorney and dean emeritus of the Notre Dame School of
Law who visited Palestine recently.
Mohammed Al-Atar
& Director of Palestinians for Peace and Democracy
LIVE from
Ramallah, Palestine
The escalation of
Israeli killings of Palestinians (more than 23 in the
last few days including many children), the
international law and human rights, as well as the
upcoming Palestinian elections. |