Fall 2015 Membership Drive
Arab Voices Needs YOUR Support to Raise $2,940

KPFT Houston is currently in Fall Fund Drive, and Arab Voices needs your support to raise $2,940 during this drive. Arab Voices started in April 2002 (more than 13 years ago) with nearly 700 shows produced and as many distinguished guests appearing on the show from around the globe covering a wide range of topics.
Please call during the show today, Wednesday between 7 and 8 pm central time and pledge your support (713-526-5738), or send e-mail to ArabVoices@hotmail.com with your name and the amount you want to pledge. Your donation qualifies as a charitable deduction on your federal income tax return because KPFT is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

We are offering several "Thank-You Gifts" during the fund drive:

  • $90 "Gaza Unsilenced" by Refaat Alareer and Laila El-Haddad, a compilations of essays, articles, photographs, and poetry reflecting on the 2014 Israeli assault on Gaza NEW
  • $150 "Understanding ISIS and the New Global War on Terror: A Primer" book by Phyllis Bennis NEW
  • $80 “Before the Next Bomb Drops: Rising Up from Brooklyn to Palestine”, collection of poetry by Remi Kanazi NEW
  • $50 "The Mass Destruction of Iraq: Why It Is Happening, and Who Is Responsible” by William Rivers Pitt and Dahr Jamail (electronic book on Amazon Kindle)  NEW
  • $300 "Palestine 4 Film Pack" - FOUR documentaries (on DVDs)
    You get 4 films on the Israel-Palestinian crisis and history, some of which are multi-part series. The 4 Film Pack includes:
       1 - "Al Nakba" (award-winning four-part series)
       2 - "The Price of Oslo"
       3 - "Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land"
       4 - "Occupation 101"
  • $150 "Al Nakba" (award-winning four-part series) DVDs
  • $85 "The Battle for Justice in Palestine" book by Ali Abunimah
  • $250 Edward Said Tribute 6 CD SET
  • $180 “The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine” book by Miko Peled
  • $200 "Brokers of Deceit: How the U.S. Has Undermined Peace in the Middle East" book by Rashid Khalidi
  • $150 “National Insecurity: The Cost of American Militarism” book by Melvin Goodman
  • $200 “Palestine in Israeli School Books: Ideology and Propaganda in Education” book by Nurit Peled-Alhanan
  • $240 "Dirty Wars" Combo (book and DVD) - documentary film and hardback book by Jeremy Scahill